
Fruit and vegetables fresh from the market
If you cater for yourself during your stay in a holiday flat, holiday home or campsite, you can save a lot of money on your holiday.
In the holiday resorts and campsites, many supermarkets are closed out of season. You then have to go to the nearest town, which can be a real problem if you don’t have your own vehicle.
Also note the opening hours, which are unusual for Central Europeans.
The bakeries (panificio) sell fresh bread only in the morning.
Fruit and vegetables are available at “frutta e verdura”. There are regular markets in all the villages. Many products such as cheese, fruit and vegetables are offered here.
Many farmers also sell on the street at their own stalls.
At the checkout, they will literally force the receipt on you.
Be sure to take it with you, because the “Guardia di finanza” always checks in front of the shops or at the markets. Both the trader and the customer are liable to heavy fines.
Therefore, always insist on a receipt (“La ricevuta per favore.“) even at markets.

“funtanas” exist in many villages
There are sometimes extreme price differences between the various supermarket chains. It is often worth driving a few kilometres more.
Cooking in the holiday flats and houses is done exclusively on gas cookers – electricity is too expensive on the island. It is therefore best to take a lighter with you. Pots, pans and crockery are always available.
Drinking water is free and of the best quality at the public springs and wells (funtana).
The Sardinians fill their large canisters here and use the water for drinking and cooking, as the tap water is often very heavily chlorinated.
These canisters are available in every store for houswares in Sardinia.
If you are staying in a holiday flat for several weeks, it may well be worth buying one.