
With the Trenino Verde from Arbatax to Sadali

map of the route with the marked sights

The Red Cliffs of Arbatax

Unfortunately, this route has not been fully operational for several years. Due to bridge damage between Gairo and Seui, trains from Arbatax turn back at Gairo.

A trip with the Trenino Verde is still highly recommended. Especially for children, the train ride is a great experience.
You can book the narrow-gauge railway at the Arbatax station.
The famous red cliffs (photo) are also nearby.

If your accommodation is not near Arbatax, check out the “Escursioni” stands in the holiday resorts. Here, the package tour is often offered, including bus transfer to and from the train.

At Arzana Station

Many train stations are completely closed. Some have been lovingly renovated and serve as bars (like here in Arzana), where you can get food and drinks as well as information about the Trenino Verde.

If you want to board at such a station, a telephone reservation is necessary. The trains are completely full during the season.
You can find information and phone numbers on the Trenino Verde homepage.
Tourist offices in larger cities are also happy to help.

At Seui StationThe stock of locomotives, railcars, and wagons in the Sardinian narrow-gauge railways is very mixed.
When different types meet, as seen here at Seui Station, every train enthusiast’s heart beats a little faster, and a lot of filming and photographing takes place.
The Seui station has been beautifully restored.

With the Trenino Verde through SeuiThe stations are often named after towns but are frequently several kilometers away from them.
It is rather rare for the track to run directly through the village, as it does here in Seui.
Therefore, if you want to use the train for larger ventures or hikes, it is better to thoroughly inform yourself beforehand. A detailed map is often helpful.

With the Trenino Verde through the mountains of Barbagia

When the narrow-gauge tracks were built in Sardinia at the end of the 19th century, construction companies were paid per running kilometer.
As a result, the routes became quite long. Tunnels and bridges are rather rare.
The tracks run in endless curves along the mountain slopes into the valleys and then back up the other side of the valley.
Of course, a ride takes a very long time, and thus the narrow-gauge railways have long lost their significance as pure means of transportation.
However, this route design makes the Trenino Verde so attractive to tourists today.

Trenino Verde

If you have a sensitive stomach, it might be advisable to take something for nausea before the trip.
The drivers constantly accelerate and brake, and some of the curves are quite tight.
Additionally, the track bed is quite worn out, so the wagons sway constantly. This can be seen quite well in the tilt of the wagon in the photo.
The suspension of the old wagons is, of course, not very comfortable either.

Repairs and renewals are constantly being made. Piles of replaced iron parts of the tracks often lie next to the route.

With the Trenino Verde through the mountains

The tracks run through fascinating mountain regions that you could never reach by car. You rarely see roads during the ride. The Trenino Verde travels through truly spectacular landscapes that sometimes resemble the Wild West.

If you want to take photos during the ride, here are a few tips:
Find a window seat on the left side towards Sadali (in the direction of travel) – on the return journey to Arbatax, then on the right side. Here you have the best views.
Due to the constant swaying of the train, very short exposure times are necessary, otherwise everything will be blurry. Even the image stabilizers of modern cameras can’t keep up here.
If your camera allows, choose a high ISO sensitivity, open the aperture fully, and set the shutter speed to automatic.