
Many tourists are enthusiastic cyclists
Many Italians take their racing bikes from the mainland to the island for their tours. In the cool morning hours, they can be found everywhere in summer.
It is also recommended for camping holidaymakers to take bicycles with them, so that you do not have to rely on the car or camper van for all your short trips to the shops or the beach.
To travel Sardinia exclusively by bike, you need to be in very good shape and have stamina. In the coastal regions, the terrain remains relatively flat, but inland there are challenging and long climbs to overcome.
Cycling is generally not advisable in the summer months because of the heat – in the cooler tourist seasons it is more pleasant to ride, but you must also expect rainy days.
Shade is extremely rare on Sardinia’s roads. Apart from cloudy days, you will have to ride in full sun almost all the time.
In any case, a cycling holiday in Sardinia will be an unforgettable experience – during your journey you will come into much closer contact with the people than it would be possible with other means of transport.
The appreciation of the locals is guaranteed, because no Sardinian would think of pedalling across his island by bike.
There are practically no cycle paths on Sardinia. Only in a few holiday resorts and in the larger towns there have some been built in the recent years.
On the roads, cyclists often only have a few centimetres between the asphalt and the crash barrier.
There is very little traffic on the side roads in the interior of the island. This makes them very suitable for cycling. On the busy country roads, you absolutely have to stand out – ideally by wearing brightly coloured cycling clothes. Otherwise you will be overlooked too quickly. Additional reflectors are also recommended.
The expressways are closed to cyclists.

By bike across Sardinia (Photo: Unfold & Travel)
The supply of spare parts is quite difficult. So take some spare parts and especially tools with you. At best, you will find special bicycle shops in the larger cities.
It can be problematic in areas with dense vegetation along the roadsides. Many broken branches and also seeds have long thorns that often lead to punctures.
Many resorts also offer rental bicycles. However, these are hardly suitable for longer trips.
For mountain bikers, Sardinia’s mountains offer almost inexhaustible terrain. Just as with hiking, many tours require a good sense of orientation and a confident use of map and compass or GPS.
If you undertake recommended routes from mountain bike guides, you must always expect surprises due to structural changes or new barriers.
Many agriturismo operators provide bicycles for their guests.
Some travel agencies also offer tours with an accompanying bus.
This way you don’t have to carry your luggage on the bike yourself. Thus, you always have the spare parts with you and you are in a group of like-minded people.